
No matter what life throws at you there is always a way through.

Hi, I'm SigrĂșn HĂĄkonardĂłttir

Founder of FITbySIGRÚN


This is my Story

Growing up it seemed like I was always in a hurry. It wasn't until I went into complete burnout (for the second time) that I really got to experience hands on how the mind/brain and body work. I have experienced the successful career, achieved the college degrees, the dream house, dream car, dream family... I have truly felt what it is like to "have it all", what it's like to lose what you poured your heart and soul to build, what it's like to be in the hamster wheel of life and what it is like to have no control of your body and mind. 

Now I’ve turned my knowledge and experience into an online membership that I call MOMENTUM that is easily accessible and meant to get you and track and staying there! Even though we have not walked in the same shoes we most likely relate on more levels than one.

My credentials:

  • MA in Career and Guidance Counselling
  • BSc in Business Administration
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Certified Group Fitness Instructor
  • Certified Pre- and Postnatal Exercise Specialist
  • Certified foam rolling instructor
  • Certified Metabolic Instructor
  • Certified Yoga Nidra Teacher
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist

A little more personal side of me. I am a wife and together my husband and I have three kids. I am an Icelandic-American so bilingual and dual citizen and lived in both countries. I went into college finding a safe pathway so finished my undergraduate in Business Administration. Shortly after I finished I had my first crash (panic attack, anxiety, depression, a mini version of burnout compared to the burnout I had 12 years later).That lead me to wanting to work with people so I registered first for nursing and dropping out because I can't do shots! Then I registered for a diploma in Professional Organizing and finished, tried it out as an internship but did not have enough confidence to go for it as my own business. Registered for a course on starting my own business and still did not have the courage to go for it. So I registered for a masters in Career and Guidance Counselling as well as courses and certifications in Personal Training and Group Fitness Training. I started teaching group fitness classes 2014 since it was my passion and has been since I started working out in 2008. It wasn't until a car crashed into a week after I finished my masters in 2016 that I went all in with training and made it as my career. From then I started my own company, started training pre- and postnatal classes after receiving my certification in such training. The training blew up and there were constantly 30-70 women on a waitlist to register so I used the opportunity, opened up my own gym in Covid. I was living out my dream up until after my third pregnancy when it all became too much, I ended up having a nervous breakdown and a 2 year recovery from that on and off working. Today I am offering my online membership program MOMENTUM and writing a non-fiction book!